You like us? We like you too! Our recruitment process is simple and transparent and we want to share how we do it, so you’ll always know where you're at.

We recommend that prior to submitting a request or starting the more official process, go and read about Mission Vision Values, All Remote, Github, or reach out to us over our Discord.

Submitting an application

Here -

First Interview (Direct Relevance)

Our first interview is done with the person who’s going to be your direct team lead. We believe that you two should feel the chemistry, otherwise it’s not going to be fun working together. This is where both sides see if the role is suitable, if the chemistry is good, and decide if we both should push to the next step. At this stage, the candidate will state their expected salary range just to make sure there isn’t any gap.

Second Interview (Professional / Technical - Optional)

The goal of the professional interview is to check that you have the required skill set needed for the role, as well as to verify we have the needed expertise and resources to guide you and mentor you. On most occasions, this interview will have some sort of an assignment such as a test, home task, etc.

Third Interview (Founders)

This interview is for all of us to see there is a great fit in a wider company sense, we want people who are open to learning and making mistakes, mission-driven, nice to be around, innovative and would be a great addition to the team.

Meeting the Team

Lastly, we want you and the team to meet each other and ask question you might feel more comfortable asking without the lead. Also we want you to meet our essence and whole company which means you’ll meet both someone from the engineering team as well as another team, operations/marketing/product. Have Fun!

Offer Simulation

After these stages are done, and both sides decided they want to continue we will provide an offer simulation. This simulation will show all major parts of the compensation model, both monthly/yearly salary as seen on Compensation as well as Employee Stock Options. On each simulation we provide:

You can select whatever alternative you think is best for you, some notes and thoughts on how to select: